Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Showroom

If you have already read my post about the silk factory, then you know that we went to a much smaller, less impressive silk factory before we went to this one. The first showroom was NOTHING compared to the one at this factory, so when we walked in, we were all amazed at what was available and how it was presented. (And we didn't mind the AC, either.)

I'm not even including photos of every room in the showroom. Tons of stuff! And this place is kind of in the middle of nowhere. If I had been in a big shopping center, this would not have been so surprising.

Look at these colors!

These are my favorite types of saris. I love the bright paints on the silk. I don't own one, because I don't wear saris very often. Every time I see saris, though, I admire this type. And I have bought one like this for a gift for someone. Love them!

As if it wasn't enough to see all the beautiful saris, there were also beautiful, colorful scarves. I kept thinking that my mom could make beautiful quilts with these fabrics. Can you make silk quilts?

And more scarves...

Check out the beautiful, detailed stitching on these next outfits. And these are for MEN!

There are other products, too. Silk shirts for men.

Purses galore!

And bedspreads.

So, if you happen to be in my area, and you want to shopping for some nice gifts or fabric, guess where I'll offer to take you.

1 comment:

Joyce Klumper said...

What a treat to see. The silk is just beautiful. We get so used to man-made products that it's easy to forget about the worm. What a great plan that a worm could create something so spectacular.