Thursday, March 15, 2012

On the Way to the Village

A couple weeks ago, we went for a visit to the village we lived in while we were learning the language here. We took a bus part of the way, and then a CNG the rest of the way. Even though we reserved the CNG for ourselves, two men hopped in the front to catch free rides with the driver.

At least the four of us had the backseat to ourselves.

Ellie liked looking at everything we passed asking questions.

And Abraham was content sitting on Daddy's lap.

We passed interesting sights all along the way...

Farmers in their little fields...

cow dung drying in the sun to be used as fuel for fires that cook food...

paths that go to little village houses...

men taking their afternoon baths in the large ponds...

the school where the young girl we used to live with attended...

 My favorite things to see, though, are the beautiful, green rice fields.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty and I hope you had fun visiting.