Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Haircut

Ellie was doing an activity with playdoh the other day. She was getting to use scissors and a ruler and a baby knife to cut it apart. She was doing great, so I was running around doing other stuff. I came back and found that my little girl, who usually seems so wise and responsible and mature for her age, had done what Franklin says all kids do at one time or another. She gave herself a haircut! AAAAH! So, it was just a few curls, and with her curly hair you hardly notice them missing, but on the day this happened, it seemed like the end of the world. I know I have mentioned on this blog how long I have been waiting for Ellie's hair to grow long enough for me to do something with it. I have since recovered, but I am more careful about leaving this little three year old with scissors by herself.

 Here are those little curls. I must admit that they look a lot more beautiful on my daughter's head than in my hand.


Anonymous said...

Franklin's right--it's not a childhood without a haircutting story! Her curls ARE adorable.

Our family... said...

My hair cutting story didn't happen until I was in 5th grade. I tried to trim my bangs the day before pictures... Yeah, it didn't work so well and I had a little bald spot at the front of my head. Fortunately, I had enough bangs that you couldn't tell unless you were looking. :)

Anonymous said...

Per just did a bit on the front of her head today! Svea did her whole ponytail at Thanksgiving 2 years ago. And...when I was 5 or 6 I did one set of eyelashes. Why? I don't know. Just to make you feel better, it happens and it will grow. *hugs*

norma said...

yes, this too shall pass, it happens to us all as parents. Your children are so beautiful.

Susie said...

I thought her hair looked shortly tonight on Skype. But still cute none the less.