Saturday, May 12, 2012

Roof time

I really want to give Ellie the chance to get out everyday. Without a yard that is pretty hard with a baby.  Usually women and kids go out between the third and fourth calls to prayer each day, but with Abraham's nap somewhere in that time, it's too hard to even get out to the open field down the road.

What has been working lately is just going up onto our roof before the fourth call to prayer. Our neighbors are up there, we get fresh air, and Ellie gets to use her sidewalk chalk and bubbles. Sometimes I need to come down to be with Abraham and Ellie has a blast just staying and spending time with our neighbors.

Ellie and some of her flower drawings.

Sometimes the drawings get pretty big.

Oftentimes one of our neighbors wants to hold Abraham. That frees me up to take the laundry down (we hang our laundry to dry on the roof here) or to cross stitch.

Here's Abraham with the greatest landlady in the world.


Anonymous said...

You're doing great just to be able to get them out daily. Doesn't have to be in grass.

Jair Duinkerke said...

Woah! You're amazing. I would find it such a struggle to have such a limited time out. BTW T. has "room" time rather than roof time. You know what our roof is like ;)

Anonymous said...

Isn't having a neighbor with a loving lap just the best!!
ND, western MN is having clothes hanging out weather, but I would never be able to stay on the roof here - between any hours of prayer. So love your pictures. Yes, Love you more, BN