Monday, May 21, 2012

Lorina's attempt at AC

It is HOT. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. Really, really, really hot. :) Just want to make sure that I am communicating my point clearly.

Last year we had a visitor who used to live in Mongolia. He told us that when it would get unbearably hot (which I'm SURE that we are experiencing worse right now! :) ) They would put frozen water bottles in front of a fan and it would blow cool air. So, we tried it. Our water bottles had salt water in them so they would melt slower.

Did it work? Nope. If you got really close, there was some cool air surrounding the water bottles, but putting it in front of a fan did not make the cold air blow towards us.

I didn't take a picture of this, but one way that a frozen water bottle HAS been effective has been to sleep with it. :) I got the idea from a friend here, and it makes such a difference. Wrapped in a towel, it goes under my neck, under my ankles, or I just hug it to my chest. It lasts a few hours, and when it melts and the towel and my bed gets all wet with cold water, I don't care because the cool water feels good.

So, if you are hot, hug your water bottle. Don't bother putting it in front of a fan.

I'd like to note that this idea did not impress my husband. He has had much grander visions of a homemade AC which might be shared here one day... or might not. We'll see. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was curious if the fan method was going to work. I have also been told that you can put a rice pack (like the one you put in the microwave for warmth) in the freezer during the day it will keep for a long period of time. I've never done it, but if you have one it may be worth a shot.