Thursday, May 17, 2012

Baking Soda, my best friend

Prickly heat (heat rash) is my worst enemy during hot season. So, when my friend told me that in order to get rid of it, you can make a paste out of baking soda and it'll go away, I was eager to try it. Lo, and behold! It works. So, that is how baking soda became my best friend. A warning to all of you who are going to try this, because I'm sure that after this post baking soda will be in high demand around the globe! My friend left this paste on her daughters too long, and it apparently pulled off a layer or two of the skin. We don't leave it on very long at all... less than 30 seconds, just long enough for a blogging mommy to take a picture. :)


Anonymous said...

Good little tip and warning. Poor Ellie though :( -C

Anonymous said...

Poor Ellie?! She was just one of the three of us who got treated that day! And that was only the first of the many treatments we are doing this season. Poor family five leaves! ;) Bring on the monsoon rains to cool us down!

Anonymous said...

Oh I didn't realize it was everyone. Boo for everyone. I hope it's not too bad. :(