Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy New Year 1419!

April 14 is when we celebrate the Bengali New Year. We dress up in red and white (unless you are Franklin). Last year Ellie and Franklin went to the University and had a great time celebrating while I stayed home packing. This year Abraham and I joined in the merry making and we went to the University, too.

All dressed up and ready to go.

We got to the University and there was parade

after parade

after parade

after parade (if you consider marching behind a man dancing on the back of a motorcycle a parade).

There was yummy snack food available, but we didn't have any. Before we left our neighbors had brought over some yummy treats. Here's what an ice cream "truck" looks like, though.

One of the best things was watching Ellie get her face painted.

My gorgeous family.

By the end of our time at the University, Abraham was fast asleep on Daddy's shoulder. 

Happy New Year 1419!


Anonymous said...

I like how serious Ellie is while getting her face painted.

Norma said...

Hi, sometimes I have a difficult time finding you guys. It's so much fun watching the children grow and how you live your lives. Sorry to hear about the broken collar bone. I'm sure it was harder on you than him. Take care. We love you guys.