Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No longer 31

I woke up this morning next to a 32 year old. How on earth is it possible that I am married to such an old man? :)

A lot has happened since Franklin turned 31.

We've had a million train trips it seems. (I love how Franklin is playing with Ellie's feet in this picture.)

We've carved out time to relax together as a family. This Raj Bari and its grounds was one of our favorite places last Fall.

Franklin's read more children books than probably ever before.

He worked on his arm muscles (and entertaining a little girl).

He continued a great past time.

He moved into our first apartment together as a family and has used the coffee mugs I got him for our anniversary (or Christmas?) almost every morning!

He had fun in Thailand with Ellie.

He received a million kisses from his little girl who ADORES her daddy.

He became a marvelous cook... here he is grinding beef by hand for spaghetti sauce that I made. But, this year he has perfected making home made pizza, and he has made us hamburgers and steak.... not to mention Solomon food. And he is a master at Maggi (Ramen) noodles!

He has taken Ellie to the zoo a ton.

And, he let Ellie push his head underwater.

It's been a busy year. :) I'm looking forward to the memories that will be created this next year with the man I love.
Jeepers, a year from now, I'll be waking up next to a 33 year old!


suepsales said...

such sweet talk about your husband :) How precious to have that love for each other and the memories you have together. btw, 32 is NOT old!!! lol. (this from a 52 year old)

Anonymous said...

Belated happy birthday Franklin! This was a fun collection of photos!