Friday, July 20, 2012

What Rain Does

 Monsoon season provides us lots of rain. Lots and lots of rain.

It would be tempting to complain about how my laundry never dries or how our road (see picture below) and it's open drain sometimes gets flooded, but after the hot, hot season we just endured, I'll take this rain with great joy.

This rain keeps our house cool. In the middle of the day it's only in the low 80s! I'll take that over the high 90s any day!

And this rain mesmerizes my little girl. She loves to watch the rain out the window.

I recently had a chat with my language tutor. She told me about a phrase in Bangla that says it's monsoon season that make all the poets in Bangladesh.

I'll take the rain, the poetry is just a bonus.

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