Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Just a year's difference

Ellie colored the A for apple picture before we left in April of 2011. I found the sheet and she colored the B for butterfly part in June of 2012. Look at the difference in coloring skills in just over a year! 

Cue the oh-my-goodness-my-baby-is-growing-up-so-quick-how-do-i-stop-it feelings...


Anonymous said...

It would be fun to have a picture that was colored every year or have them draw a family picture every year or so to see how they develop. Hmm. Perhaps have Anya and Abe do that now that the others are already a little older....

Anonymous said...

the changes in children are obvious over time-even short time periods...hum..God is goo very good to give us the gift of time yet not giving us the control, just the appreciation when we take the opportunity to be thankful as you show!. Love you, BN