Saturday, February 4, 2012

No Place Like Home

Before we left the States, Grandpa Loren gave Ellie a children's book version of The Wizard of Oz and included was a little necklace of Dorothy's shoes. The whole trip over Ellie wanted to open the necklace, but I didn't want to lose it on our journey, so I told her she had to wait until we got home. So, the morning we arrived at our house, one of the first things we did was take out the necklace. As I put in on Ellie I was reminding her what Dorothy said when she clicked her shoes... "There's no place like home."
I realized that morning that I felt that way, too. We have homes all over the world, but right now this is is where we belong. And it feels good to be here, difficulties and all.
Now, a month and a half later, as we have gotten some cleaning and organizing done, as we are getting into a routine, as hopefully quite a bit of the busy traveling time is behind us, as we get to spend time building our life as a family of four, I still agree with Dorothy. "There's no place like home."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as I miss our visits and talk time, I am glad you are home and getting settled. We are still praying for you guys every time we have peanut butter!
Love ya-