Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chore Chart

This is Ellie's first chore chart. We had a couple days around here when her behavior was less than desirable, and I thought maybe a bit more routine and purpose in her days would be helpful. It also provides me a way of encouraging and complimenting her daily... and who doesn't love to get stickers?... well, aside from Franklin. :)

Because she can't read yet, I used pictures along with the words. Each day she can get three stickers... I crossed out the days that had already gone by in our week for her first chart. Changes in subsequent charts have included both days of the weekend in the 6th box at the bottom and the chores put in the order they should be done in.

I'm really glad we have started this. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do this too. It's a big hit with Per. Svea, not so much but she has the routine memorized. I guess the end is what matters!