Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 7

 Ellie worked on handwriting for school, and Abe wanted to do school, too.

But that didn't last too long.

In Math Ellie learned about volume. We figured out which box could hold more puffed rice.

Abraham helped eat the puffed rice when we were done.

Strawberry had a snack, too.

Abe runs around the house saying "Lap. Lap. Lap!" He loves to hold the bunny in his lap. I'm not sure how much the bunny loves it.

We did a toy and book swap. I have all their toys in big bags up in storage. Every couple of weeks we rotate and they get new ones. It keeps them busy for a few days. :)

Ellie got out her purse and a doll and new stuffed animals.

Abraham got his cars out.

Abraham is really, really rough on books, so out of the last book rotation, these are the ones that need to be fixed now. 

After his nap, Abe saw my exercise shoes. He asked for help putting the socks on, but got the shoes on himself. Then he went and got my exercise mat and ran around.

Ellie had Daddy put a lava lava on her so she could be an island girl.

And we went out to play in the field before supper. 

Lots of the mommies and aunties in the field have crocheted shirts for their kids. I decided I'd like to learn so a few of the women are helping me make one for Ellie. The yellow shirt was lent to me to be my pattern. I am copying the design.

Here's what I have done so far. When I have questions I can ask the women in the field. While we watch our kids play, we sit and chat and sew or crochet.

Franklin says he doesn't think I'll finish before Ellie turns17. In response I said, "No, I'll be done by the end of June." So the race is on... :)


Anonymous said...

Such fun to see your pictures...the children's activities & hear of the sewing race. LOL
Idea: try Abraham's "lap,lap" without the bunny, if you find the time to actually find your lap.
Love & prayers, BN

Charlotte and John said...

I like the colors you chose for Ellie's dress - for some reason I have always loved green, purple and yellow together. So there's a suggestion for a third color!