Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun in Homeschool

The assignment was to make a 3D object with clay. So, we used play doh to make what started out as just a simple tower, and what ended up being a castle. Ellie's has a moat and bridge. We had just read about castles in History.

While learning about old fashioned clothing the kids made these collars. Didn't turn out quite the way the ones in the book looked, but they had fun and got practice using scissors and folding.

The topic was learning about yeast and how dough rises. The assignment was to make some dull dough and force yourself to eat it, I think. We decided to do doughnuts. :) We still learned about yeast. And I was thrilled to hear the kids say to each other, "This is the best day of school ever." :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want you to come to our school and teach donuts!