Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Day Ellie had a Pea in her Ear

 One morning while Franklin was out, Ellie let me know that the previous day she had put a pea in her ear. I was not impressed. I didn't know what to do or how big a deal this was going to be. Thankfully, we know an excellent doctor here in town, so it turned out to be a very small deal, and we made a book about it during school. These are Ellie's words, prompted by some questions by me. The drawings are all hers.

And just to prove that the story is true, here is the pea... and the ear wax. :)


Charlotte and John said...

What a keepsake! Are you going to keep the story or will you eventually just keep the blog post and photos?

Anonymous said...

I love it! My favorite picture is where she is going to put the pea from now on. Her pictures are very good too!

Anonymous said...

Good that it came out pretty easily! At the clinic we had a 11 year old boy who came in and had to have his ear flushed as he had a pink and green end of an eraser in his ear. He was very nervous about the water going in his ear! Hopefully this will be the last time for Ellie!