Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 1

 A few days before delivery my doula sent me a text reminding me that the last days before labor seem to take forever, but the first week after birth will fly by. Boy, was she right! How did a week go by so quickly?!

Two days in the hospital, a couple days adjusting to being home, an extremely helpful visit from my sister-in-law, and boom! A week is gone! It's a good thing we remembered to at least take a couple photos.

One morning we realized Ellie and Abraham had matching jammies on.

On Friday morning, when Abraham was just shy of being a week old, we had the public health nurse over to weigh our little man. He was 8lbs 9oz according to their scale... and that's after we took his clothes and diaper off. With them he was 8lbs 15oz! Pretty amazing, considering when we left the hospital, he was 7lbs 5oz. I guess we'll see what the clinic says next week when we take him in for his well check up. Also, I am super relieved that his belly button and circ are already healed. That makes life much simpler. 

So, yay for a successful first week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so very happy for you all!