Saturday, April 9, 2011

A purple cactopus

This morning at the breakfast table, Ellie asked Franklin if he got her a surprise last night when he went shopping. So, he showed her the new toothbrush he got for her. Then Franklin asked if Ellie had gotten him a surprise. Ellie said she'd go shopping and get one. As she walked to her room, she called back to us, "Protect my toothbrush!"
She returned and told Franklin to close his eyes. Then she said, "Open them." But all there was was an empty hand. Franklin asked what his surprise was, and as Ellie pointed to the middle of her hand, she said, "A purple cactopus."

Your guess is as good as mine... something that's half octopus and half cactus... and purple?

1 comment:

suepsales said...

what a bright, creative little girl!! can't wait to see her all "grown up".