Friday, August 21, 2009

Where does a month go?

Whoops! A whole month went by with no new pictures on the blog... that doesn't mean nothing was happening, though... On the contrary, it means a ton was happening! Above, is our return train trip from the capital. Ellie was so worn out that she snoozed on her daddy with her dog Cider.

Ellie gets to ride on her daddy's bike with him sometimes. This was the first time she did it. Franklin borrowed our friend's bike that had a seat attachment. Now that our friends (we miss you guys!) have gone out of the country, they lent us the seat, so Ellie can go more often. You can see Ellie is waving bye bye... even if her eyes are closed. :)

While we were in the capital, our friends stayed at the same guest house... bathtime fun.


Peter Ambuofa Kwanairara said...

You have a very beautiful daughter bro. God bless you and your family as you continue to serve him......

Charlotte and John said...

We love this post! The picture of bathtime is wonderful. That'll be fun for the girls to have in the future. John's favorite is the bike photo!