Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ellie's First Trip to the Sea

Our little party made our way down our hill and then down the road about 1/2 mile to the beach.
Once at the ocean, we made sure we were protected from the sun... notice Ellie's long sleeve swimsuit! While showing Ellie the waves, I had my first "Oh-my-gosh-I'm-a-mommy" moment... I was showing Ellie the waves and I don't know if it was because I have seen pictures of other mom's introducing their kids to the ocean or if it was just explaining something brand new to Ellie, but I was like I am really a mom. I guess it's good I finally realized that, huh? :)
Then Daddy had a turn taking Ellie into the water. She liked to touch and taste the water... every time a wave came, her eyes got really big.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Isn't it fun introducing your baby to new things? We took Clara to the zoo for the first time yesterday. She didn't seem to care much about it, but we had fun showing her the animals!