Franklin and his brother Silas.

Nena (Franklin's mom) and her kids that were in Honiara when we left... from L to R: Lingesi, Rita, Nena, Silas, Lisa, Franklin, Christina. (Joy, Dudu, and Lois were in the village)

Silas, Lingesi, Lisa, Lisa's son Abel, Christina, Franklin, Nena, Me and Eliana, Lisa's daughter Hadassah, Rita, her son Richie who is three months older than Ellie, and Rita's husband Alick. Lisa's husband Rex was at work... and our other immediate family members: Joy, her kids Melinda and Jarit, Silas' wife Freda, and their kids Jennifer, Lingesi, and Olivia, Franklin's sister Dudu, her husband Philip and their kids Bronwyn, Ebony, and Talisha, and Franklin's youngest sister Lois were in the village. Unfortunately we didn't all get together for a family pic in the village!!!
To our WONDERFUL family in the Solomons, we love you and miss you!
Thank you so much for posting all these pictures of Franklin's family! We loved seeing that side of Franklin.
Hi Franklin, how are you doing? It is really good to see your family photo.
Hope one day I will get the opportunity to meet your family.
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