First of all let me say that we saw many, many great friends in Australia.... not just the ones pictured here. I have learned my lesson... if you are not going to see friends more than once every few years, don't get distracted by good conversation and forget to take photos. :)
Above are Ivor and Carol. They let us stay with them our first week in Australia. We had a wonderful, relaxing, and encouraging week with them.

Men and their chainsaws... John, Franklin, and Adrian. When Franklin studied in Australia in 2006, we lived with John and Lyn and Adrian (their son). This was the first time we had seen them in 2 1/2 years. Lyn and I were playing with Eliana and we heard a loud noise... sure enough the guys had gotten out the chainsaw and were up to no good.

Denise and her husband Keith had us stay with them our last week in Australia. We had many good chats and above you can see we enjoyed a walk on the beach. Well, you can't see that we walked, but I promise you that we did... and we enjoyed it. :)

We also were able to meet with John and Diane, who have been very instrumental in our lives. It was on this afternoon at their house that Ellie, after two weeks of SERIOUS efforts, made her first serious crawl across a room.
What a gift friends are!
We got your newsletter today. Wonderful, encouraging news! You are always in our thoughts. (Your pic is in our devotions basket, too--Bia loves to see the "babat," Eliana!)
I loved looking at the pictures on your blog! (and reading your news)...may God continue to bless the work of your hands!
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