Sunday, March 10, 2013



-sometimes thinks he should wear his mommy's orna (scarf)
-says goodbye to Daddy when he leaves (he doesn't just wave anymore, he actually says "Bye, bye Daddy."

-plays with shoes all day long. If he's not wearing Ellie's shoes, he's wearing Daddy's shoes. (Mommy's apparently aren't too interesting.)
-LOVED playing in the new plastic container.

-is such a handful that his mommy can't take pictures of him! She's always running around cleaning up whatever mess he just made or is in the process of making.

Saturday, March 9, 2013



 -had so many teddy bears that we decided to give some away. We took pictures of her with them so she'd be able to remember them.

 -has hair long enough to be put into french braids!

-loves the doctor set that Great Grandma Helen got her for Christmas.

-dances when she hears music.

-can blow big bubbles.

-likes to pretend she's her baby dolls' mommy.