A little, active, curious one year old can't just sit around the house all day with nothing to do. After hours of running around and getting into anything and everything, she needs some sort of organized task... or at least the mommy does. So, I have been trying to do more intentional things with Ellie. Like making a necklace. Above Ellie is wearing her friend's necklace that was left here... but she is holding the necklace she made... all it took was a trip to the bazaar to buy some beads, and some thread... I held the thread and needle and she helped me put the beads on. Note to self, don't get so many "beads" with sharp edges (like stars and diamonds) next time. Below, Ellie is wearing the necklace.

We have kid friendly markers that a friend brought from the States. It's so awesome that with one simple swipe they wash off! Above, Ellie is making markers kiss... half the fun of coloring, you know...

Exploring the box is also part of the fun... taking the markers or colors out and putting them back in.

In the above picture, can you tell which parts I colored and which parts Ellie colored? I have fond memories of sitting with my mom and coloring... She taught me to make all my lines go in one direction when I color. She also taught me how to outline the shape I'm coloring...I'd say those are two valuable life lessons.

Eliana loves the letter E and writing her name... so I hold her hand in mine and we say E-L-I-A-N-A as we write the letters. Then she takes the crayon by herself, scribbles away joyfully making sounds that sound like a mixture of letters and numbers.
how sweet!!! she has grown up so much!!! sounds like you are having fun being a mommy, especially with such a creative daughter!! thanks for the updates. you are in our prayers.
Good work, mommy! I need to do more of those types of things with Clara. She's getting bored with wandering around the house playing with the same old toys and reading the same old books. Thankfully it's starting to get nice here so we'll be able to go outside and play more.
such the teacher! soon it'll be abc and 123!!! Hey DJ Frankie take over parenting!
you're such a teacher! poor ellie! not started the abcs yet? quadratic equations? DJ frankie take over and rescue your daughter from becoming nerd!
guess who?
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