Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fashion Crimes

Ellie goes around wearing jeans that are just a little too big for her. The other day I decided to tight roll them... bringing back memories from 6th and 7th grade. But that fashion crime wasn't the only one committed in our house that day...
Because we have cement floors, we don't want Ellie to run around in her stocking feet, so we have her wear indoor sandals... the ones we got her for St. Nicholas Day. So, not only did Ellie have tight rolled pants, she also wore socks and sandals together! What kind of mother am I to torture my daughter this way?!
To make it even worse, I was inspired to put my hair in pig tails so my hair wouldn't get wet in the shower... So, it seems to me that three HORRIBLE fashion crimes were committed in our house.


Cristina said...

That's really funny, Lorina! Thanks for being brave enough to share photo evidence! :)

Charlotte and John said...

At least you didn't have Eliana wearing WHITE socks. That's how many Minnesotans break the fashion laws!

suepsales said...

that is just too funny!!! you guys look darling and look like you are having fun! praying for you often.