We are fortunate to have continuously running water in our house, because the water provided by the city is only on during certain times of the day. Below our house is a huge tank that collects city water whenever it is flowing. It is pumped two or three times a day to a tank that is on top of our roof. Whenever we turn on our taps, water flows into our house from the tank above.
We don't drink water from our taps, though. We drink water from a tube well that we filter.
Just down the road is the tube well. Each day our helper takes a water jug (pictured below) down to the pump and fills it up. Ellie likes to walk along with Beli to get the water. Then, throughout the day, we fill up our filter with that water. From the filter, we put the clean drinking water into bottles, the bottles into the fridge, and then we eventually have cold drinking water.
Recently we had to change the candle in our filter. Here is the old candle.... it had already been scraped once to get the gunk off.
And here is our new clean filter already at work cleaning our drinking water.
I'd say it's a good thing we have a filter, wouldn't you? :)