On our way from the Solomons to the States, we had a 26 hour journey that included 5 different flights. I wasn't just worried about keeping Ellie occupied for a little while, I was also worried about surviving myself.... especially without Franklin. Fortunately, my dad was traveling with us. Unfortunately, he only got to sit with us on one of the flights, which just happened to be the longest.
Ellie did way better than I would have ever expected. She basically slept when she was tired and played and occupied herself when she wasn't. I brought along a backpack for her that had a bunch of simple things for her to do.
We got a coloring book and some colored pencils as a gift before we left. They were useful.

Ellie played with some little animals we had picked up along the way. Half the fun of playing with the animals for Ellie is taking them out and putting them in their little bag.

Ellie also had two stuffed animals she played with. George kept her company at the airport in Fiji, but Bob the turtle spent quite a bit of time with her during the flights.

On our longest flight Ellie enjoyed one of the kids' movies. Food and snacks were also a way to keep her occupied.

Ellie was also pretty excited about the inflight magazines... even the safety pamphlet.

It was such a relief to have the long journey behind us. Although, we were just beginning the long battle with jet lag.