I like to read people's blogs... and sometimes when I find a link to another blog, I follow it and find another cool blog. Lately as I have been gallivanting around cyberspace I have noticed lots of people doing series (how do you make "series" plural?)... Anyway, I was thinking the other day, "If I was going to do a series, what would I do?" I decided I would do a series on embracing imperfection... but I am not really going to do a series. I am just going to think about it and tell you my thoughts about it. :)
Today was one of those days when there were enough imperfections to fill the series all together. Here are just a few of them.
I woke up and my yogurt hadn't set. :( I make my own yogurt, and it usually turns out fine, and it gives me joy every time I get to eat it. Today, there was not much joy. I did find out later that the flavor is fine, it's just the texture that is weird. So, I guess it's not a complete loss.

Later in the morning, our water filter tipped over and broke... and it filled our dining room and part of our bedroom with water. I was glad that we have cement floors, not carpet.

Then, even later in the morning, part of my granola burnt. Only about 1/3 of the batch burnt, so that's better than it all burning... as I type Ellie is enjoying some of the good part.

To top it all off, it is HOT. This is the thermometer INSIDE the house, and it's not even at the hottest part of the day yet. I'm glad that we have a cold shower for relief.

I'm also grateful for this little one who gives me a million reasons to smile and laugh everyday.